Friday Findings
I’m a curious soul – with a wide range of nerdy and geeky interests, ranging from space exploration to theological concepts. I often find interesting items when stumbling about on the internet – and on Friday’s I like to share my findings with you!
It’s been a bit since I’ve posted a Friday Findings…never seems to be enough hours in the day to do all that we want to do, right? But I’m happy to have a short bit of time to whip up this post tonight.
I’ve Got the Blueeeeees…….
Blue is my favorite color. Always has been. I think it is because I love the sky so much. If I am going to pick a crayon, it’s gonna be blue. Construction paper? Blue. Wall paint? Probably some shade of blue, until my family tells me there’s too much blue. (Though, in my world, there can never be too much blue.)
Loved this article from Open Culture, about the discovery of a new shade of blue. WHAT??? There are still colors we are discovering?? I didn’t know that. Pretty cool. I’ve added a picture here, of the new blue – plus you can check out the accompanying article by visiting Open Culture: YlnMn Blue
No Two are Alike—-
Have you ever tried to capture just one single snowflake? Just one. Just one snowflake that you are certain is only one snowflake, and not accidentally two snowflakes stuck together?
Apparently, it is pretty challenging. And to photograph a single, solitary snowflake is even more challenging.
Smithsonian shared an article this week capturing some of the highest resolution photos of snowflakes to-date – and they are stunningly beautiful.
Worth a look – check it out here: Smithsonian – Snowflakes
Weariness – a Gift?
I needed the words of this article by David Quaoud this past week. These have certainly been wearisome days here lately – work challenges, health challenges, good but taxing ministry opportunities….at times, the weariness seems to take on a life of its own.
Quaoud takes such a different and unique approach to examining weariness in his article “The Blessing of Weariness” – so much so, that I have bookmarked it and have read it through now quite a few times. Taking a moment to consider God’s sovereignty and goodness in all of life is hard at times, but also strangely comforting even when the good is so very hard to see. I needed to hear all five points of his article; so much so, that I’m sharing it here with you, dear reader – because I don’t think I’m the only one: The Blessing of Weariness
The Love of a Good Hike
We enjoy National Parks – I would say that I border on being a tad obsessed with them, because I belong to a National Park Traveler’s Club, and collect National Park Cancellation Stamps from each park we visit – which I then enter into a database and a book – so nerdy.
During this Covid lockdown season, we also picked hiking back up as a hobby on the weekends – trying a new trail every single weekend through 2020. So, I loved this article celebrating an end to a three year project to open up access to 10,000 miles of US National Park trails. The project focused on 3 areas we’ve visited in the last two years, and two areas we have on our list for the next two years, should travel restrictions lessen any. Thanks, Lonely Planet, for this upbeat article 10,000 Miles Completed
Mauna Kea Snow!
I’ll leave you with this beautiful picture of a snowstorm that dumped snow on top of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes just this past week. We were just on top of Mauna Kea this past New Year’s Eve – it is truly my most favorite place on this entire planet.