I can not sleep–so another post for tonight.
I have never seen this verse before. I’m surprised by how much it has impacted me in reading it tonight, how much it has even stirred me up to an extent:
Jude 22–And have mercy on those who doubt;
I realized tonight that I know nothing about the book of Jude (I’m only on the book of John in my New Testament Survey class–I have a LONG WAY TO GO).
But here is this short verse–and admittedly I don’t even know the context of it–but here is this very short verse with much weight.
Have mercy on those who doubt. My Jesus had mercy on Thomas. And my Jesus has had mercy on me, a perennial doubter; a perpetual doubter.
And those who have taught me, have pushed me, have challenged me–those who have shown me Jesus–have had mercy on me, a perennial doubter; a perpetual doubter.
I want to be the kind of person who is always, always, always merciful to those who doubt–even the perennial and perpetual doubters.