I had meant to do a book review on each of the books I am reading this summer, but now I am into book 3 and haven’t reviewed book one or two yet. So here is a short blurb:
Phantastes by George MacDonald: I read this book because MacDonald was one of C.S. Lewis’ favorite writer. The genre is fantasy, and since I don’t like to read fantasies, I didn’t really enjoy or get into the story line. What I did enjoy though, was the author’s use of words–fantastical, superb, brilliant words–to describe the setting and action of the book. He strung together so many delightful sentences that I found myself backing up and rereading those sentences just to see the words in play.
Eiger Dreams by Jon Kraukauer: I have liked Kraukauer’s writing style and have read all his books (I think) to date. This one continued one of his familiar things-that of rock climbing and mountain climbing. Intereting, but not as captivating as his other books. Or maybe my fascination with climbing Mt. Everest has waned since I can barely climb the stairs at work.
God is Love by Gerald Bray is the book I am currently reading. It’s a Biblical Theology with it’s foundation on the fact that God is Love. He’s fascinating stuff, but stuff I have to read more slowly in order to absorb. Very academic, but with threads of the personal and relational explanations for the existence of the study of theology. I’m about 19% through the book so far. Much more to go.