Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!
Well, the Duffer crew is having quite a week so far.
Yesterday I had an appointment with the gastroenterologist. I’ve had an increasing stomach ache for about two weeks now. Little did I know that they would absolutely torture me with the worst test known to man. I’ve had this test once before, in an emergency room in Hawaii, when I first started having medical issues. It was horrid. So when they told me what they were going to do, I almost left yesterday. But I let them proceed to put a tube up my nose and down my throat to determine bleeding and the presence of an infection. The results were positive. Lovely. But I’ve been given some medicine that already seems to be helping. The best news is that having a stomach ache has meant less eating which has meant some pounds lost. 🙂 For that, I am grateful.
And then this morning, poor Bethany was hit with the stomach flu. Badly. AND our toilet quit working. I had to use a rock to keep the flapper thing down so it wouldn’t keep running and would fill up. And now Timothy says he is getting sick. Mark is fine, and Keli and I are germaphobes. I think she’s moving out for the week until everyone is better, and I’m bathing in hand sanitizer.
But in spite of this inauspicious start to our week, I am overwhelmed with gratitude tonight. I’m sitting here resting after work, with just the lights of the Christmas tree on. Bethany and Timothy have gone to bed. Mark is doing his homework in his room, and all is quiet. I’m looking at my Christmas tree and have an incredible sense of peace that comes from knowing that my God provides.
Many people were praying for us today. And I could tell it. Not because I could “feel” their prayers. No, it’s more that I was I bolstered and encouraged knowing that we were being prayed for. And I could slowly sense God’s presence as the day wore on.
And my church, Seaford Baptist, once again loved us by serving us–offering to bring food, offering to fix our blasted toilet.
So tonight, even though my crew is pukey and puny, Psalm 105:1 is truth for us. We give thanks unto our Lord. We call upon His name to help us to heal. And we make known His deeds among us, through the people God has put in our lives.
We are truly, truly blessed.