The sky has always been strangely important to me. Since as early as I can remember, I have always felt the intense need to be able to see the sky clearly. When I am under that big blue canopy, I do not feel as panicked. It seems that I can breathe a bit better – a bit deeper. I often get the sense that as long as I am able to see the sky, then all will be well.
When I am under a large sky, I can think clearer. I can sort things out in my mind – and sometimes even bring calmness to the chaos.
I have no idea why I am this way. I sometimes wonder if it is because I can feel so very small under a so very big sky – if maybe there is an odd comfort that sense of smallness.
I initially came across this quote by C.S. Lewis a few years ago; and each time it comes to mind, my soul embraces it all over again. I think Lewis, as he often does, perfectly captures what I feel about the sky God crafted as part of creation:
It is not an accident that simple-minded people, however spiritual, should blend the ideas of God and Heaven and the blue sky. It is a fact, not a fiction, that light and life-giving heat do come down from the sky to Earth. The analogy of the sky’s role to begetting and of the Earth’s role to bearing is sound as far as it goes. The huge dome of the sky is of all things sensuously perceived the most like infinity. And when God made space and worlds that move in space, and clothed our world with air, and gave us such eyes and such imaginations as those we have, He knew what the sky would mean to us. And since nothing in His work is accidental, if He knew, He intended. ~ C.S. Lewis; A Year with C.S. Lewis
O, my soul. That “God knew what the sky would mean to us” – what a picture of grace and goodness bestowed on us. A beautiful depiction of God’s omnipotence and sovereignty combined. He gave us the gift of the sky, knowing that we would, in our simpleness, ‘blend the ideas of God and Heaven and the blue sky.‘ And we do, don’t we??? I know with every fiber of my being, I do. And, in a sense, I always have. Lewis’ words a wonderful reminder that God is deliberate. He is not random. It is a wonderful reminder that His kindness and creativity not only glorify God, but they also point us to Him. The Big Blue Sky, and all of creation, is a gift to me.
And to you, dear friend.
“He knew what the sky would mean to us. And since nothing in His work is accidental, if He knew, He intended.”
A Prayer of Thankfulness
God, even before I knew you, the sky has been important to me.
Even as a young girl in Iowa, I loved being out in the country, amongst the cornfields, under the big, beautiful sky. There was something comforting about it – there is still something comforting about it. I long for the day when we are finally able to move west, where the sky truly stretches as far as the eyes can see.
The sky calms my soul. It reminds me that you are God. It reminds me even, that though this world is vast, You know my name.
God, thank you for this quote by C.S. Lewis – he always seems to have just the right words in the right order, to capture what I can not say elegantly myself. His words reminded me again today that you are intentional. You knew what the sky would mean to us. To me. You designed it and created it and flung its brilliance above us and the times that I have stood under it and seen it’s stunning blueness from horizon to horizon, I have breathed a bit deeper, and sensed your presence a bit closer.
Lord, even when the storm clouds come across the sky we hold onto the hope of knowing that the blue sky is still there and that the clouds will fade – and in the same way, when the storm clouds come across our lives, we hold on to the hope that you are still there – that you see and know.
Thank you God, for how you have used the sky you created in my life. Thank you for the gift of the sky – and the clouds, and the sun, moon and stars. And all creation, that points us to your glory; a glory we can’t comprehend fully any more than we could measure the sky.
The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims Your handiwork. (Psalm 19:1)
Amen and Amen