Well, if nothing it’s at least been an interesting day. I went to the doctor and did not get the report that I had hoped to get. And now, a chest cold is on it’s way. And one more medical test later on this week.
So tonight I’ve pretty much just chilled with my crew, watching our all-time favorite movie “Spirit: Horse of the Cimmeron”. Yep Yep Yep. Love. That. Movie. We have not watched it in a few years, but we cracked up when we realized that all 5 of us still know the words to every song in the movie–and we sang each and everyone of them, loudly.
I love my crew. We’re all odd ducks.
As I lie here recuperating so I can go to work tomorrow, I decided to look at Daniel 6, the chapter that will be preached on this Sunday at Seaford Baptist Church.
Daniel would make a great flannel graph story, I can see it now–ferocious lions ready to tear Daniel apart
(Flat Daniel gets thrown into the Lion Den with mean looking lions)(close your eyes boys and girls)(scene change)(Open your eyes boys and girls, what do you see?) (Pick me!! Pick me!!) (Ok BillieBob, what do you see?)(I see the lions and Daniel standing together in the lion’s den, they don’t look mean anymore and they didn’t eat him. Shucks.)(Sunday School Teacher sighs exasperatedly and checks her watch and wonders when they will be bringing this class their kool-aid and cookies)
But of course, the story of Daniel can not be broken down into a simple flannel graph story. No, there is much in this passage that bears examination and study.
The story starts out with King Darius appointing satraps over the people, and then appointing 3 high officials over the satraps. Daniel was one of these. However, as King Darius observed Daniel’s leadership, he elevated Daniel’s position to be one that was over the entire kingdom.
Admittedly, I know very, very little about Daniel. Not much more than this story here, about the Lion’s Den. So, I wonder Why? Why was Daniel chosen to be over the entire kingdom? Why not one of the other guys?
I think we see the answer in Verse 3:
Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom.
An excellent spirit was in him. An excellent spirit was in him. I’m not sure what that means, or what it would look like, or how it came about that it would be Daniel that would have this excellent spirit. If something is “excellent”, it is said to be possessing outstanding quality or superior merit. But where did this excellent spirit come from? I’ve looked in my limited resources and did not find much help. I would venture to say that it is the Holy Spirit, but did the Holy Spirit indwell like this before Jesus’ death and resurrection and the giving of the Holy Spirit to the believers after Jesus’ resurrection? I don’t know.
Does it mean that his personality was excellent, that he would be granted the position based on the excellency of his leadership skills? I don’t know. But I do know that I want to be a good leader.
Wow, there’s a lot I don’t know tonight. I don’t have an answer to any of this. And honestly I hurt a bit too much tonight to give clear and careful scripture work and writing. But I will say this. I want an excellent spirit in me. I want to know what that looks like.
I want to be different.