Here’s my top links for this week–hope you enjoy:
1. I’m a huge fan of Apple products. I have an iPhone and a Mac book pro. This week in honor of the passing of Steve Jobs as well as the introduction of the world to the new iPhone S, I share this cartoon from The Oatmeal—-so funny!
2. My girl and I are very much looking forward to the Christmas Day movie: Warhorse. Here is the trailer:
3. Funny video of Scotts trying to use a voice activated elevator or “lift” as they call it:
4.Mental Floss shared 32 of the wittiest comebacks. Now, I’m not sure they are at all historically true, but they are really funny.
5. I ask can not wait to watch the new Muppets Movie. I love, love love the muppets, particular the chickens and Beaker and, of course, Animal!!!!