Slave: The Hidden Truth About Your Identity in Christ]]
In this book, author John Macarthur tackles the question: “What does it mean to be a Christian?” One could come up with dozens of different answers. But Macarthur lands on the concept of Christians as slaves for Christ. Through his research, he has come to the conclusion that this concept has been lost among those who claim to be Christians. MacArthur does not shy away from the difficult topics, specifically the heinous act of slavery that America perpetuated as well as the current slaveholding that still exists in the world today. Instead, he lays down a foundation by teaching what the word “slave” means and refers to both historically, presently and in the future.
His last few chapters address the act of adoption, focusing on the adoption of believers into God’s “family”, thus granting adoption that makes Christians the sons and daughters of God.
I appreciated the level and depth of study that Macarthur obviously did in order to be able to write this book. It’s very readable, but does not water-down truth. No, instead the author, through his writing, seems to urge his reader to join with him in exploring the deeper things Christianity. My only critique would be that it seemed repetitive at times. But overall, I would highly recommend this book for a clearer understanding scripturally of the identity of a Christ follower.