I’m a curious soul – with a wide range of nerdy and geeky interests, ranging from space exploration to theological concepts. I often find interesting items when stumbling about on the internet – and on Friday’s I like to share my findings with you!
Discarding Books
I can barely type those words – I am a book hoarder. I cherish books – when I look at the tomes on my bookshelves, most of the time I can remember what little bookstore I picked it up in, why I purchased it, who gave it to me. I write in my books as well – marginalia – thoughts, questions, arguments, debates, annoyances. When my bookshelves are full, I usually either buy a new one, or ask my husband to make one (he makes lovely bookshelves).
But as we start to think about downsizing so we can travel more and possibly move out West, I’ve started culling my books a tiny bit. It’s not fun, but it hasn’t been terrible, either – I’ve made room for more of the books I love while also being able to help others start theological libraries, or share a book that may help someone in crises. I even passed my vintage horse books to my oldest daughter, to love and cherish in her new home.
I came across this article by Tim Challies, and avid reader and book reviewer, that provides some very practical advice on books and bookshelves – maybe you will find it as interesting as I did: The Book Glutton
2020 Olympics Afterglow
Our family enjoyed the 2020 Summer Olympics this year probably more than we have in previous years. I think it is because of several things – the long-ness of Covid, knowing our son is stationed in Japan and enjoys weekend trips to Tokyo, our own Family Olympics that we held last summer in the midst of the pandemic, and our recent trip to the Olympic and Paralympic Museum in Colorado Springs.
Now that the games have closed (though we are looking forward to the Paralympic games that start next week), we enjoyed perusing some of the best photos of the closing ceremonies, shared by NPR (and who doesn’t love NPR??). You can access them here; enjoy this look back on the beautiful city of Tokyo and these iconic games: Olympic Wonderfulness

Field of Dreams
My friends Tim & Kay texted me earlier this evening; they were watching an MLB game on the legendary Field of Dreams, located in Iowa (the state I grew up in) and the subject of a movie by the same name. I texted them back that there’s nothing quite like the a summer night in Iowa, when the corn is high and the pigs are stinky.
So it was fun to come across this article about what the town of Dyersviille, Iowa (Population 4,000) did to prepare for today’s big game. I’m not a huge baseball fan; but this was a fun read: If You Build it, They Will Come
One of my goals is to travel to Antarctica. I’d love to winterover at McMurdoo Station; and I read pretty much everything I can get my hands on about that frozen land.
I really enjoyed this Atlas Obscura article (and the videos!!) of the fascinating life scientists are discovering UNDER the ice – where they once thought very few creatures lived, they are discovering that in reality, there is an abundance of life under the thick arctic ice.
You can read the article here, and enjoy a couple of the best videos below: Under the Ice