I’ve always struggled a bit with the idea that the God who created the universe – the God who did such big things like flooding the earth, parting the Red Sea, writing the Ten Commandments, raising Lazarus from the dead and sending His Son Jesus to redeem all who call upon His name, by His death and resurrection….would know me.
It’s a truth I have to preach to myself on a continual basis. It’s something that I have to remind myself time and again. The omnipotent, omniscient, holy God…sees me. And knows me.
Just two weeks ago, I sat in a room with 7,500 other Christ followers and listened to Paul Tripp preach on Exodus 2 – a passage that has been seared into my mind time and again as I have wrestled with whether or not God sees me or knows my soul. Exodus 2:23-24 are verses I cling to with white-knuckled-smaller-than-mustard-seed sized faith….”And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw the people of Israel – and God knew.” I often lean into those very same verses, knowing they are truth and yet having to tell my own soul that the very truth that God saw the Israelites…and heard their groaning…and He Knew…that this same truth….
…is truth for me, too.
God sees.
God knows.
And that does, indeed, settle my soul.
But there is an even deeper, more intimate – more shocking – aspect of this following-Christ-life that is even harder at times to come to grips with…something that takes the awestruck wonder that God sees and knows me, and amplifies it 100-fold.
It is this: That Jesus prays….for me.
I’m not entirely sure that we (and I apologize, for this will sound like an over-generalization) truly grasp the weight of prayer. I know that I am guilty of not holding it in the reverence it deserves and demands. However, in the past 13 years or so, I have started….and oh, it has been a slow journey…to more fully grasp the holiness that bathes the opportunity and gift of grace we are given in the fact that we can speak with our heavenly Father. I was reminded just recently, as a friend published some scripture work on Psalm 38, how entirely wrecked I was the very first time I truly interacted with God out of the deep wracking pain of my soul through reflecting upon and writing out prayer based on Psalm 38. At that point and time, the very idea that there may truly be a God…and He may truly see and know me and hear my halting, stumbling prayer – let alone answer! – was nearly more than my wounded soul could bear.
But as beautiful as the gift of prayer is to each and every one of us, I am these days, also coming to the realization that it is eclipsed by this – our Jesus, the one who died on the cross, was buried and then three days later was resurrected…who paid the debt that not a single one of us could pay for our sins – for my sins – prays to God the father, on my behalf.
And, on yours.
My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. – 1 John 2:1
According to Merriam-Webster, an advocate is one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal. It’s one who pleads the cause of another…specifically, before a judicial court.
Sit there a minute and let that sink in… Jesus is advocating for us, before our Holy God. Jesus – the very son of God – and who Himself is one with God – is advocating on my sinful, weary and often troubled soul before the Holy and Just Almighty God. And knowing the the Son is pleading on my behalf before His Father – and that this Father loves His Son…and subsequently loves me enough to send His Son to die on my behalf….and beyond that, hears what His Son has to say in advocacy for me…
….it is nearly overwhelming.
1 John 2:1 is powerful in and of itself; but when read and studied along with Hebrews 7:25…the richness is deepened even further.
Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. – Hebrews 7:25
These words push me to acknowledge that I do not have the right to think of my salvation as a point in time like a checkbox; nor can I think of Christ’s death and resurrection also like something I can check off a list. Yes – there is a point in all of history and in my own personal history, that these two acts occurred. But, there is so much more – because Jesus ‘..always lives to make intercession for them.’
I am saved; and I am being saved continually by Jesus’ perfect and knowing prayers for me.
And what’s more – remember what I said at the beginning of this writing?
He sees and knows me.
He sees and knows you.
And He knows us deeper than anyone else in our lives…even deeper than we know ourselves and our own needs.
And based on that…how rich and full and pinpoint accurate and healing and forgiving and settling Jesus’ prayers must be for me, to my God.
And how rich and full and pinpoint accurate and healing and forgiving and settling Jesus’ prayers must be for you, before our God.
Some time ago, I came across this hymn and tucked it away at the time, not fully appreciating the words penned by Augustus Toplady (what a name, right?) in approximately 1771. But tonight, I find the words a right and good response to the blessed truth of knowing that Jesus intercedes on my behalf.
Awake, sweet gratitude, and sing
The ascended Saviour’s love;
Sing how he lives to carry on
His people’s cause above.
2 With cries and tears he offered up
His humble suit below;
But with authority he asks,
Enthroned in glory now.
3 For all that come to God by him,
Salvation he demands;
Points to their names upon his breast,
And spreads his wounded hands.
4 His sweet atoning sacrifice
Gives sanction to his claim:
“Father, I will that all my saints
Be with me where I am.”
5 Eternal life, at his request,
To every saint is given;
Safety on earth, and, after death,
The plenitude of heaven.
6 Founded on right, thy prayer avails;
The Father smiles on thee;
And now thou in thy kingdom art,
Dear Lord, remember me.
(Dictionary of Hymnology (1907))
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
Thank you, dear Shelly! My soul and heart is so thankful for this beautiful truth and reminder that I am His and He is mine every moment of every day, forever and always. I really needed this…. So thankful for your obedience to share His Spirit inspired Word though your Spirit given gift! Love you, my dear and precious Friend!
Thank you friend for reading! He truly is our all and all – and to think that He prays for us…it is so settling to think on that! Love you much; so grateful for you <3 Thank you for reading and responding - very encouraging.