I’m a curious soul – with a wide range of nerdy and geeky interests, ranging from space exploration to theological concepts. I often find interesting items when stumbling about on the internet – and on Friday’s I like to share my findings with you!
Classic Comics
When we would my grandparents home out ‘in the country’, one of my favorite things to do as a child was to escape the boring adults and my annoying siblings & cousins, and sneak away to the back sunroom/bedroom where, in a musty cabinet drawer, lived dozens upon dozens of Classic Illustrated comics. I’d spend hours reading them, and I often wonder if this is where my love for classic literature was first sparked. Moby Dick, Ivanhoe, Count of Monte Cristo, Hamlet – the stories came alive in the pages of those old comics from the 50s and 60s. I actually don’t know whose they were or where they ended up eventually after my grandparents passed – but I can vividly still picture them.
I was delighted by Open Culture’s recent feature of these ‘graphic adaptations’ of classic literature – it was fun to see covers that I am so familiar with, and I enjoyed reading a bit of their history that I had not known before. If you are into classics or comics, check out this link – maybe you, too, recall these classics from ages ago: Classic Comics
C.S. Lewis: The Impact of Friendship on his Faith
I cherish the writings of C.S. Lewis. My worldview and thoughts so often mirror what I read in his works; which is why I often refer to him as my Uncle Lewis. But I think the main reason I am so drawn to C.S. Lewis’ writings is because my faith journey seems to mirror his journey so closely. I think that is mostly because I question God and faith and scripture much in the same way Lewis did, pre- and post salvation.
Lifeway recently published an article that made me consider another way in which Lewis’ journey to Christ so closely mirrors my own – and it is because of the impact his friends had on Lewis’ world. The article describes several of his friends and their connection to Lewis – their conversations, beliefs, the sharing of meals and thoughts.
What it emphasized most to me, though, was the need for churches to rediscover the importance of building relationship, in evangelism. We sometimes overlook the slow, steady beauty of a friendship’s impact on another person’s life – and the powerful witness that becomes as that trust is built. For more thoughts and an insightful, brief glance into the friendships that played a role in C.S. Lewis discovering how much of a friend God is to those who believe in Him, take a few moments to enjoy this article by Harry Lee Poe: The Friendship Path to Faith
My Diabetic Soul and Girl Scout Cookies
Why are the Girl Scouts doing this to me? Ugh. There is no way I’m going to be able to resist the new Caramel Brownie Cookies they plan to unveil next year. Might as well sign me up for a few dozen boxes, along with Thin Mints, of course: Brownie Goodness
Crossway Giving Away Copies of Rediscover Church
Crossway recently announced that they are giving away 400,000 – Yes – you read that right – 400,000 copies of the book ‘Rediscover Church’! Reading the book synopsis, it seems like an excellent gift to offer to church members, after the rough pandemic year and, in some cases, a long absence from attending church. I’ve not yet read this book by Colin Hansen and Jonathan Leeman, but I’m looking forward to it. Rediscovering Church
Praying for the People of Afghanistan
I can barely watch the news reports coming out of Afghanistan. I feel so helpless; my heart aches for the children and women. you may as well. Here’s a very helpful guide to praying for this tragic situation, that I plan to use during my morning study and prayer time in the upcoming days: God, Hear our Cry for the Afghan People