I’m a curious soul – with a wide range of nerdy and geeky interests, ranging from space exploration to theological concepts. I often find interesting items when stumbling about on the internet – and on Friday’s I like to share my findings with you!
It’s been a bit since I’ve posted a Friday Findings…never seems to be enough hours in the day to do all that we want to do, right? But I’m happy to have a short bit of time to whip up this post tonight.
One Man’s Trash….
I loved this article about how rubbish collectors in Ankara, Turkey started a library….yes, a LIBRARY….from books they have rescued from the garbage. Today, the library contains over 6,000 volumes, which are lent out on a two-week basis. Incredibly cool. Kinda reminds me of a friend who once rescued a book he had dropped into a port-a-potty; which, in all honesty, is actually not nearly as cool. That ranks more in the “WOW” and “EWW” category. But still – just goes to show you that books are treasured things…and this article and video is a beautifully creative picture of this: Turkish Rubbish Collector’s Library
Missionary Sermons
Danny Akin, President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, has an incredible heart and passion for Missions. So much so, that you can’t step onto campus without noticing this passion in the form of signs stating “I am going ______”, encouraging students to be mission minded and mission focused.
Akin recently published a blog containing links to his expository sermons that focused on missions and missionaries – an excellent resource to bookmark and keep on-hand, for personal Bible study: Missions Focused Sermons
World Impact of Vaccines
I recently received the first of my two Covid vaccines. I’m receiving the Pfizer series….and isn’t it an interesting phenomenon that now we share with each other which version of the vaccine we are receiving, similar to how we would share what college or high school we went to? Example – my son is stationed in Japan; we FaceTimed the other night, so he could tell me he had received his vaccine. The first question I asked him was – which one? He received Johnson & Johnson – so only one shot for him.
Anyway, Covid-19 has the world, in general, more interested in vaccines than we have been in quite some time. And as a soon-to-be Moppett (my grandma name); I’ll be getting the Whooping Cough vaccine next week, at the advice of my daughter’s OB doctor. So when the folks at Open Culture posted this article about how vaccines have changed the world, I found it incredibly fascinating, and I think you might as well, dear reader: How Vaccines Improved our World