Friday Findings
I’m a curious soul – with a wide range of nerdy and geeky interests, ranging from space exploration to theological concepts. I often find interesting items when stumbling about on the internet – and on Friday’s I like to share my findings with you!
New Mexico Loveliness
Last week, my guy and I celebrated our First Anniversary by spending a week in New Mexico! It was fantastic – we had simply the very best time.
I’ve always loved New Mexico – mainly for the sky. I worked there one summer (at Glorieta, which was a Southern Baptist Conference Center at that time), and found so much solace under that ginormous sky that often looked like it was painted and not real. It was such a joy to share that sky with husband last week!
So, to reflect back, here are some New Mexico-ish things that I’d love to share with you, dear readers!
White Sands National Monument
While in New Mexico, we also visited my father and his wife. I think all three of them – my dad, his wife, and my guy – thought I was a bit crazy when I insisted that I wanted to drive down to the Southwest corner of the state to visit a bunch of Gypsum sand. But, they love me and went along with my crazy idea; and it turned out to be a fantastic adventure.
White Sands National Monument is a section of the desert that contains mounds and mounds of sand dunes made out of Gypsum, some of the strangest sand I’ve ever stood on. Pure white (think chalk), fine, a bit moist – almost like playdough. We purchased a sled and enjoyed climbing up the dunes and sliding down. If you ever get the chance to visit; don’t pass it up! For more information, check out this site: White Sand Amazingness in the Middle of Nowhere
US National Parks Passport Program
While out in New Mexico, we visited seven National Parks Sites! That’s a record for any trip I’ve ever taken.
Why is that significant? Because it meant that I was able to collect seven cancellation stamps for my US National Parks Passport! Most US National Parks, Historical Sites, Preserves and other locations have “cancellation stamps” at their visitor centers – you can “stamp” your passport upon arrival – just as if you were arriving in a foreign country.
I know, that’s pretty geeky. But I so love being able to add stamps and stickers to my passport, as a record and collection of all the sites I’ve visited. If you love to travel, I suggest you purchase a US National Parks Passport. If you are a parent or grandparent, purchasing one for the smalls in your life may help instill in them the desire to travel and see all the amazing places God has created for our enjoyment: Passport Travel Bug
Hot Air Balloon Ride
Albuquerque is known for many things – one of them being the International Hot Air Balloon Capital of the World. Since that is something we’ve always wanted to do (and tried to do for our proposal, but our flight was cancelled due to fog), we took advantage of the great weather in New Mexico, and booked a Hot Air Balloon Sunrise trip. It was simply amazing – and fascinating. We could see for miles upon miles, and we learned so much about how Hot Air Balloons operate. Plus – it was so very peaceful, floating across the valley in the crisp air, surrounded by mountains. Wow – I would so do it again.
Here’s a very cool timelapse video of Albuquerque’s annual Hot Air Balloon festival!
One Non-New Mexico Item – Musical Conversations with Jesus
I was a bit caught off-guard this week when I realized that the season to reflect upon the death and resurrection of our Lord is here – Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, was this past Wednesday…and we are steadily moving toward Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday.
The Gospel Coalition put out what looks to be a fantastic, free play list (through Spotify or Apply Music) recently. I’ve not yet had a chance to sample the offerings, but at first glance, the list looks to contain some excellent music to use in the preparation of our hearts for this time of remembrance, repentance and rejoicing: Conversations with Jesus
What a joy it was to have you ng Ken here with us, even if the visit was very short! The nk y ou for coming! May God bless you and Ken for many years to come!
Dad and Patti
It was so much fun; we definitely want to try to make it out there in the fall again – if not, then spring next year! Also, give Keli’s wedding some thought as well; I can help you figure out how to navigate the airports. Love you guys!