I often file away interesting tidbits that I come across while meandering (um, wasting time) on the internet. Here are a few things I’ve come across lately, that I’ve found interesting or helpful.
Running Reformed
Ok. So, what’s so awesome about Halloween this year? Sure, unlimited Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are amazing. But that’s not it. Dress-up day at work is, fun, if ya like that kind of thing, but nope, that’s not it.
It’s this – Halloween is also the anniversary of the reformation–that day when Martin Luther nailed those 95 theses to the church door in Wittenburg, way back in 1517.
And what better way to celebrate, than a 5k (or 10k, if you are crazy) virtual run?
And, what do you get, if you complete this challenge? Your very own Race Medal, depicting our buddy Luther, nailing those theses to that door.
Don’t. Miss. This. Reformed. Nerds. Click here, to sign up: Reformed Run
Skydiving Granny
Ok, so when I’m 94, I want to Sky Dive just like Ella Campbell.
The Bookmobile
Books – and reading them – are something I cherish. They have taught me, challenged me, and comforted me, since I was a little girl. I remember spending hours and hours in the library every summer, participating in the local library’s “Summer Reading Program”. I’d ride my bike there, hide in the stacks, and get lost in books like “Heidi” and “The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet” and “The Hundred Dresses.”
I came across this Storycorps video, about a librarian who found hope and wonder when a bookmobile stopped by the migrant workers camp that she lived in, and the librarian who invested in her life by introducing her to the world of books:
Being engaged is already messing with your schedule?
Hahaha, I think maybe yes! 🙂