One of the things I have most enjoyed about hosting this website, is interacting with folks from all over the world, who have stumbled across this site in their research for resources. This has led to new friendships and fascinating conversations with folks that I wouldn’t have otherwise ever met.
So, in case you land in this space and are not aware of the resource pages that are a part of this website, I’d like to share them with you. You can click on each of the titles below, to be taken to that page.
Bible Study Resources
This page contains a listing of resources that you might find helpful in your pursuit of studying scripture and personal worship. Some of these items I use daily; others I turn to occasionally–all I find helpful.
Productivity Apps and Tools
I am a junkie when it comes to productivity tools (and office supplies). I’m always in the search for new and improved resources that will help me take care of my responsibilities efficiently. This page contains a plethora–from tracking to-do’s, to health and fitness, to product that I like. It’s a fun page; I hope you will take a look–maybe you will find something that you can implement and use.
Evernote Tools and Tips
Since my favorite productivity is quickly becoming Evernote, I’ve decided to dedicate a separate page to the tips and tools that I’ve discovered in my development of what using Evernote looks like for me. It is a robust tool and well worth the time invested in learning how to use it well.
Resources for Children With an Incarcerated Parent
When my kids first fell into this category, I was completely overwhelmed. There was so much to learn, and I didn’t know where to go to learn it all: the court system, the process for minors visiting prisons, how to best help them deal with the emotional and social impact of unexpectedly winding up as one of the “1 in 14” children with have an incarcerated parent. I started collecting websites and information as I found it, and I’ve placed it here in this location. This is probably the page that I get contacted the most about, as caregivers begin their desperate search for assistance in navigating such a bewildering world for the children they care for.
Resources for Childhood Victims of Sexual Abuse and Those Who Minister to Them
This is yet another bewildering place for children to tragically land, and for caregivers to face. It’s a horribly shocking and frightening thing, and both the victims and those who are providing care for the victims need solid assistance and safe places to run to. This page provides a listing of excellent resources for those who find themselves in that dark place.
Orphan Care Resources
James 1:27 prods us to give excellent care to orphans and widows. This page provides some links to practical ways that you can incorporate the words of James 1:27 and care for those in great need, around the world.
Dear Shelly, All is well. Im a mother of 2 , passionate about changing the ways I organize my life. Searching about improved usage methods of evernote I came to this page and very much amazed and happy to read (and bookmark for later reading) your articles/resources especially about routines, daily life sanity and the essence of our life….Relationship with God. I wished to write so much more but saving that to after reading other resources avialable here. Stay blessed.
Thanks Diya! I am so glad you’ve found the resources here helpful, as well as the items about our relationship with God. Greatly encouraged by your words tonight, thank you for stopping by! Have a great weekend!