It’s Monday night.
All day long I’ve looked forward to Monday night football. All Day.
And then after my work was finished for the day, I looked up who was playing. The Jets and the Falcons?? What kind of game is THAT? Especially for a Monday night??
Where and how did I suddenly become so obsessed with football. I don’t even recognize myself. Who is this person? Used to, I’d watch the last 5 minutes of a game, only if it was REALLY close. But other than that, I never gave it any attention.
Here I am this year……looking at stats?? Point spreads??? Injury reports?? After game commentary??
My crew looks at me like I’m insane. And I think that I may be.
I think my new-found passion for pigskin is that the Kansas City Chiefs–the only pro-football game I’ve been to (when they were doing really poorly) are 5-0 so far this season. So maybe in the midst of these crazed (crazy) Redskin and Cowboy and Eagles fans, I can be the oddball and cheer for MY Kansas City Chiefs! And watch them surprise EVERYONE!
I want a Chief’s jersey. I want a Chief’s hat. There’s not much market for such things on the East Coast of VA, but I want one none-the-less. I want to grill out hotdogs and make nachos and WATCH FOOTBALL.
(Disclaimer: This does not mean I am giving up my nerd or geek card, I still read my study books during the commercials and the Time Outs)
I am loving football myself. I think my niner’s really blew it by letting Alex go. I’m routing for him! Go Chiefs!