……and no, I wasn’t praying.
- I took the vehicle that will become Tim’s car to the DMV to get the title in my name and new tags
- There were 1,735 people at the DMV
- Coming home, on Seaford Road, my tire completely deflated. Flat as a pancake.
- Checked my wallet…..no cell phone. Cell phone at home charging.
- Start walking toward Seaford Baptist Church to use the phone.
- Gracefully trip and fall and land on my hands and knees, skinning them and my elbow.
- Look up from the ground to see a van stopped behind me.
- Thanked God that it was a church member and not a stranger.
- Called church to get previous owner’s cell phone number.
- Called previous owner’s number, who graciously offers to come to my rescue.
- Music Minister from church drives by and stops.
- Friends in their huge truck stop.
- Previous owner of car arrives.
- Now have 5 vehicles pulled to the side of Seaford Road.
- Guys all try to get the spare out of the car. Spare won’t budge. Rusted on.
- Guys try to put a spare from one of the other cars on.
- 5 cars, no jack.
- Go get a jack
- Tire doesn’t fit.
- Call tow truck.
- Get a ride home, embarrassed and sore.
- Late for an important teleconference
- Friends in big truck bring me food for lunch
- I also apply a little bit of ice cream therapy
Yep Yep Yep. That’s been my day. And you can laugh with me, because in spite of all the “problems”, it’s been a very good day. God is my protector and provider. I broke down on my road, not on the busy road in Newport News. He protected us all from traffic while working on the car. And he provided me with an amazing church family that truly acted the part of family today–rescuing me from the side of the road.
That, my friends, is what loving each other as brother’s and sister’s in Christ looks like. I am grateful for God’s grace and mercy tonight.
Oh, I’m laughing and crying for you. God is faithful.