Spent lunch “sort of” sleeping in my car again. I forgot my blanket and it was a little cool with the wind blowing through the windows. I again felt a little bit of difference in the afternoon, more energized, more focused, less yawning.
The negative thing is that I’m cutting out reading time for napping time. So I need to incorporate more reading time at night before I go to bed. But there is always so much that has to get accomplished before falling into bed–dinner, cleaning, homework, finances, spending time with each kid (I’ve been playing catch with my youngest son and he is tolerating my throwing like a girl, but only barely).
In any case, my experiment continues. Last night I got about 4 hours of sleep, so my noontime nap was much appreciated. I don’t think I ever actually fell asleep during the nap this time, but just resting my eyes and letting my mind sort of wander without it’s usual frenetic pace was a good substitute for conked out sleep.
I know this interests no one but myself, but I find it to be a fun little science experiment. So thank you for indulging me and reading the redundancy of sleeping and waking. 🙂