Not sure what to think about this day. Was ill Friday night, busy Saturday, discouraged Sunday and now it’s time to go back to work. But here are some things you might find interesting from the blogosphere:
1. This is what I need….a house made out of bookshelves!
2. When at the University of Maryland for the Odyssey of the Mind World competition, Bethany and I met an artist who does miniature carvings in the eyes of needles. Here’s an artist who carves the lead of pencil tops. Extroidinary.
3. I may have shared this blog post from 22words before, but it is too funny to pass up: Muppets before and after being on Meth
4. Love this slideshow of 20 AWEsomely nerdy gift ideas. I would love to have #20, the book cover for the MAC.
5. I’ll end today’s Sunday Sundries with this very well done, very funny synopsis of all the Harry Potter movies up through 7.5., in under 7 minutes. How’d they do it? WE HAVE NO IDEA!